
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

国土资源报原社长受贿200万 牵出国土部副部长

国土资源报原社长受贿200万 牵出国土部副部长 中国国土资源报原总编辑刘允洲利用职务便利,帮助企业疏通关系,在土地投资方面获取便利。他还为浙江省横店圆明新园项目违规获得土地提供帮助。从中得到好处的人用房子、车子回报他的牵线搭桥。昨天,涉嫌受贿200多万元 ... 国土资源报原社长受贿200万 牵出国土部副部长

Cafe battles Apple over logo

Cafe battles Apple over logo WHEN is an apple with a cutout silhouette and a leaf on top just, well, an apple? A German family cafe and the American tech giant are trying to sort that out. The Local Germany reported overnight that when Christin Romer opened her cafe in the west ... Cafe battles Apple over logo

Insiders registration system into effect next month

Insiders registration system into effect next month After public comment, the official China Securities Regulatory Commission yesterday released the "insiders of listed companies to establish registration and management system requirements", from November 25 this year, come into force. Commission official said the authorities, according to the spirit of the document, the relevant departments will be launched involving a listed company insider ...Insiders registration system into effect next month

New roads drive up accidents in Sierra Leone

New roads drive up accidents in Sierra Leone By Simon Akam FREETOWN (Reuters) - Travelers in Sierra Leone are often impressed by the new, smooth highways built by foreign donors in the West African nation -- but they are as amazed by the wreckage from traffic accidents scattered along the way. ... New roads drive up accidents in Sierra Leone

海尔乐趣Q5T 观看《幸福额度》不去影院

海尔乐趣Q5T 观看《幸福额度》不去影院 进入10月份,影迷们最期待的电影当数陈坤与林志玲主演的《幸福额度》了,大多数的影迷都热盼着在该电影上映日之前,手上能有一张影票。事实上,理性的影迷都选择去了3C卖场,挑走了里面正在热卖的海尔乐趣Q5T一体电脑,只 ... 海尔乐趣Q5T 观看《幸福额度》不去影院

CITIC Bank third quarter profit growth, are subject to interest and fee income growth boost

CITIC Bank third quarter profit growth, are subject to interest and fee income growth boost Letter Bank (China Citic Bank Co., 0998.HK, referred to as: CITIC Bank) said on Wednesday, and intermediate business income subject to income growth boosted third-quarter net profit up 41% over the same period last year. Measured by assets, CITIC Bank is China's seventh largest bank. ...CITIC Bank third quarter profit growth, are subject to interest and fee income growth boost

Thaïlande: Le point sur les inondations

Thaïlande: Le point sur les inondations CATASTROPHE - Depuis le mois de juillet, le pays est touché par de graves inondations. La capitale, Bangkok a 50% de chances d'être inondée, et la facture de la catastrophe naturelle pourrait dépasser les 3,2 milliards de dollars. ... Thaïlande: Le point sur les inondations

Japanese car firms profit outlook bleak Korean car prices expected to come to the fore

Japanese car firms profit outlook bleak Korean car prices expected to come to the fore Reuters Tokyo / Seoul October 26 Xinhua --- Japanese car manufacturers to reproduce material decline in quarterly profit, due to the earthquake on March 11 is not flat, but the flood has led to parts shortages in Thailand, so the annual profit outlook dust. Phase than under South Korea's Hyundai Motor (005380.KS: Quote) and its Kia Motors (000 270. ...Japanese car firms profit outlook bleak Korean car prices expected to come to the fore

江苏一副局长当街打骂科长 致其粉碎性骨折(组图)

江苏一副局长当街打骂科长 致其粉碎性骨折(组图) 江苏滨海县司法局一副局长为打扫卫生事宜和本单位一名科长发生口角,当街辱骂他人还恼羞成怒把科长推倒在地,觉得不解气再上前踹上两脚,致使科长左股骨粉碎性骨折。截止到2011年10月25日,事发10天后,打人者拒不承认 ... 江苏一副局长当街打骂科长 致其粉碎性骨折(组图)


美众院立法抵制欧盟 【路透社华盛顿10月24日电】根据美国众议院今天通过的法案,美国客运和货运航空公司将受到保护,不必受欧洲一项法律的约束。该法律规定,全球各地的航空公司必须缴纳碳排放税。 议员就欧盟的单方面行动向后者发出了强烈 ... 美众院立法抵制欧盟"碳管制"

Facebook Twitter mitu gonggam Cypress Day today

Facebook Twitter mitu gonggam Cypress Day today "African people for a dollar you can buy a product that is where others have failed to give me 35,000 won." Several years ago, an ad for children in Africa caused by the drum-shaped tub scene comes Dragging themselves smiling brightly. The drums come in ad kyudeureom (Q-drum) is ...Facebook Twitter mitu gonggam Cypress Day today


海外版时事点评:别让失信撕开道德缺口 温家宝总理日前主持召开国务院常务会议,部署制定社会信用体系建设规划。会议要求,把诚信建设摆在突出位置,大力推进政务诚信、商务诚信、社会诚信和司法公信建设,抓紧建立健全覆盖全社会的征信系统。 一个负责任的政 ... 海外版时事点评:别让失信撕开道德缺口

Nanjing raised the maximum loan amount of housing fund

Nanjing raised the maximum loan amount of housing fund Nanjing government on Monday announced that it would increase the maximum loan amount of housing provident fund, a move designed to boost the sluggish real estate market. Nanjing Municipal Government issued a circular on its website, said the couple Nanjing residents can apply for the maximum amount of housing provident fund loans of RMB 60 million. ...Nanjing raised the maximum loan amount of housing fund

开出租先考试 文化程度高中以上

开出租先考试 文化程度高中以上 今后,要想开出租,文化程度要是低于高中,或许不行了, 为规范出租汽车驾驶员从业行为,提升出租汽车客运服务水平,交通运输部组织起草了《出租汽车驾驶员从业资格管理规定(征求意见稿)》。昨日,征求意见稿在国务院法制 ... 开出租先考试 文化程度高中以上

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