
Wednesday, October 12, 2011


中方护航巡逻艇赴泰接应中国滞留船员 中新社昆明10月13日电 (胡远航)中方护航巡逻艇已于13日从澜沧江-湄公河水路前往泰国清盛,以接应滞留在清盛的中方船员及船只回国。这是云南省政府外事办公室13日发布的消息。 与此同时,29名湄公河中国遇难船员家属 ... 中方护航巡逻艇赴泰接应中国滞留船员

Philippine hostage stand-off ends safely

Philippine hostage stand-off ends safely Manila - Armed robbers in the Philippines who held eight people hostage at a bank released all their captives unharmed and surrendered after a stand-off lasting more than two hours, authorities said. Four gunmen were robbing the bank in Bacoor city, ... Philippine hostage stand-off ends safely

网销蓝海待开发 或成未来保险行业主营

网销蓝海待开发 或成未来保险行业主营 编者按:数据显示,2011年1-8月全国总保费收入10070.48亿元,同比减少0.28%。银行揽储严重,人力增长缓慢又制约传统个人营销模式,保险业两大主要营销渠道均受阻。为突破困境,险企开始发力网络销售蓝海。虽然目前网销保 ... 网销蓝海待开发 或成未来保险行业主营

Haircut assaults put glare on the Amish

Haircut assaults put glare on the Amish A breakaway group of the US Amish community is accused of attacking mainstream members by cutting off their beards and hair, which carry spiritual significance in the faith. 12/10/11 Up next... US 'superhero' arrested, accused of assault Sorry. ... Haircut assaults put glare on the Amish

Los cocineros de una compra exprés

Los cocineros de una compra exprés LUIS COSTAS - A CORUÑA Desde que el viernes 7 de octubre trascendió el compromiso de boda entre el Popular y el Pastor, sus presidentes se convirtieron en el foco de todas las miradas. Ángel Ron y José María Arias acababan de llegar a un acuerdo tras ... Los cocineros de una compra exprés


南山新婚姻登记大楼启用 10月10日,南山区婚姻登记处新办公楼正式启用,以后南山居民就可以在新大楼里进行婚姻登记了。新办公楼位于常兴路和南头路交会处西南角(南山图书馆正门对面),占地面积2400平方米,建筑面积800平方米。 记者看到,新办 ... 南山新婚姻登记大楼启用

Exchange traded funds could become victims of their own success

Exchange traded funds could become victims of their own success By Brooke Masters, chief regulation correspondent Mounting concerns over exchange traded funds are shaping up to be one of the first big tests of the tougher regulatory environment in the wake of the financial crisis. In the 22 years since the first ... Exchange traded funds could become victims of their own success


多层次小微企业发展政策体系将逐步形成 国务院总理温家宝12日主持召开国务院常务会议,研究确定支持小型和微型企业发展的金融、财税政策措施。多位专家和业内人士在接受中国证券报记者采访时表示,这些措施大大改善了小微企业的生存环境,有利于未来逐步形 ... 多层次小微企业发展政策体系将逐步形成


10月11日,抗议者在美国纽约曼哈顿第五大道游行示威。当日,数百名参加"占领华尔街"活动的抗议者在富人聚居的纽约曼哈顿上东区集会游行,在多名亿万富豪的寓所前抗议示威。 新华社发(樊夏 摄) 美国纽约"占领华尔街"示 ... "占领华尔街"越来越"烧钱"

Air Canada Flight Attendants Postpone Strike After Labor Minister Intervenes

Air Canada Flight Attendants Postpone Strike After Labor Minister Intervenes TORONTO (Dow Jones)--Canada's labor minister, Lisa Raitt, said Wednesday she has referred the labor dispute at Air Canada (AC.BT) to a federal labor relations board, and that both parties must carry on as usual while the dispute is being reviewed. ... Air Canada Flight Attendants Postpone Strike After Labor Minister Intervenes

'Zoon Gaddafi opgepakt in Sirte'

'Zoon Gaddafi opgepakt in Sirte' Mutassim Gaddafi, een van de zoons van de verdreven Libische leider, is opgepakt in Sirte en wordt nu vastgehouden in Benghazi. Dat hebben functionarissen van de Libische Nationale Overgangsraad vanavond gezegd tegen persbureau Reuters. ... 'Zoon Gaddafi opgepakt in Sirte'

OE2012: Governo cativa 2,5% das dotações dos serviços do Estado e 12,5% para ...

OE2012: Governo cativa 2,5% das dotações dos serviços do Estado e 12,5% para ... Lisboa, 12 out (Lusa) -- O Governo quer cativar 2,5 por cento das verbas totais dos serviços e organismos do Estado e 12,5 por cento em investimento, de acordo com uma versão preliminar da proposta de lei do Orçamento do Estado para 2012. ... OE2012: Governo cativa 2,5% das dotações dos serviços do Estado e 12,5% para ...


亚洲开建首个太阳能燃气电站 本报讯 (记者张艳)昨天,哈纳斯高沙窝槽式太阳能-燃气联合循环发电站在宁夏的沙漠边缘破土动工,项目计划投资22.5亿元,2013年10月建成投产。这是我国乃至亚洲首个槽式太阳能-燃气联合循环电站示范工程。 近来,我国太 ... 亚洲开建首个太阳能燃气电站

Ricardo Patiño en Berlín: "Yasuní-ITT es un apoyo al mundo, no a Ecuador"

Ricardo Patiño en Berlín: "Yasuní-ITT es un apoyo al mundo, no a Ecuador" El ministro ecuatoriano de Exteriores, Comercio e Integración, Ricardo Patiño, comenzó hoy una visita oficial a Alemania con el objetivo primordial de buscar nuevos apoyos al proyecto medioambiental Yasuní-ITT, una iniciativa que según dijo, ... Ricardo Patiño en Berlín: "Yasuní-ITT es un apoyo al mundo, no a Ecuador"

Perry to Unleash the Attack Dogs on Romney

Perry to Unleash the Attack Dogs on Romney One way to deter Mitt Romney in his bid for the Republican presidential nomination would be to wage a slash-and-burn campaign of television ads against him. After another lackluster performance in last night's GOP presidential debate, that seems to be ... Perry to Unleash the Attack Dogs on Romney

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